Artist Interview: Blanche Eden

Today we are interviewing one of our directory artists - Blanche Eden, who paints vibrant and dynamic abstracts. Blanche is not only a painter but is also a singer based out of NYC.

You are a multidisciplinary artist, tell us about how you got your start in art and what drew you into music and painting?

Yes I am. I’ve always loved to sing, I danced ballet since a young girl, too. I used to sing in my room to my CD’s and tapes. I learned how to sing with music itself being my only teacher. I was VERY VERY shy. I did high school musical plays and felt like I failed regardless of my support because of fear and shyness. I put it away for a very long time and only sang when I was alone, where i felt safe and fearless. Years later in 2013 I began recording myself and learning how to make my own music ALONE, but I started. I decided I was done being afraid of “nothing” although I had a long way to go. I got started and didn’t stop until I was ready to. Since then I have recorded 7 albums 2 EPS and 15 singles. I am proud of myself because that journey led me to where I am now. I started experimenting with paint in 2019, now I own my online gallery featuring only my work. I am a full time WORKING artist. I’ve created over 100 works and plan on stopping no time soon. 

Do you have particular influences or people that inspired the mindset behind your creative ideologies?

Oh yes! Musically too many to mention, but I am attracted to art that is colorful and well put together… the colors. I like artwork I can learn from and challenge my current way of thinking. I am strangely private with painters I am influenced by, I try to look at the work, not the person. I guess you can say there are few names I know but not off the top of my head. I focus on the ART. 

How has pandemic affected your art practice (music and painting)? 

I was always to myself so it hasn’t affected me very much as far as public outgoings. I don’t let it get to me and I do my normal activities as much as I can. I’m not in a pandemic. I am an artist living thru this time. That’s my motto. 

Any advice for people struggling to embrace the pull to create in various mediums or disciplines?

Spend time alone. Self talk. See the negativity. Remove negativity in close range of you. Don’t think about being creative, just create. 

We want to embrace and discuss the various aspects of what it is to be a womxn in the arts and often discuss cultural backgrounds with some of the artists. Would you want to share your perspective of what role does race play in the art world? Has it affected how you express yourself artistically?

Being a black Hispanic woman has always affected me. My art is my time and place for it not to. I focus on art not people when it comes to my career. I could care less what race a person is, it’s the work for me. I am not looking in the mirror when I paint and create, I’m looking inward and that has no race. What is race? Art has no race, it’s any and every color, it’s life. 

We are strong believers that the more people discuss failure, the less significant the possibility of it becomes. In our society, we are so terrified of possibility of something not working out, that it halts all our efforts to begin with. We ask all of our interviewees if they can share a time where something (a project or opportunity) did not work out and how did you move forward?

Well my music didn’t result in what I saw for it but I was successful in my own universe. Successful the way I was supposed to be successful. Once I looked at it from that perspective I was able to innerstand my true purpose in the universe. What I’m doing now may not have happened if I didn’t “fail” musically. I learned that there are many phases in an artists’ life. We can’t be afraid to “fail”. Failure is to progress into your true purpose. 

Any events, shows, or projects coming up you'd like to share with the readers?

Not at the moment but I’m always creating. Please visit my social media and website for my latest everything concerning my art. My music is on all major platforms just type in Blanche Eden :) 

Find Blanche on other platforms:


Music is under ‘Blanche Eden’ on your favorite streaming platform

IG @blancheedenart @blacktrendingnews @maddyscornerart @blancheeden 

Svitlana Martynjuk

Svitlana has been a professional artist since 2016. She is currently working on the FairArt2030 pledge project to encourage gender equality commitment from art institutions. Svitlana was born and raised in Ukraine before immigrating to the USA and then France.

Curated: Here, There & Elsewhere


Artist Interview: Zola Arts Factory